
Can I tell you about my abortion experience??

Do yourselves a favor and at least wait until the caller calls in. It sort of makes me wish that I lived down south, where they had all this shit. We have public access stuff up here, but it's all King Jah the mumblin' Rastafarian. And some Mexican stuff. And well, it's not as funny to call them up and prank them, cos A) they don't know what you're saying; and B) it's always so very, very funny to fuck with the religious right. Cocksuckers.

Speaking of cocksuckers, PETA has decided to send an open(read: You don't want our help, but we want to ride your publicity wake) letter to Britney Spears and her Mommy Dearest in which they more or less tell them that eating animal products will make you crazy. Yeah, that's right. Bipolar people are often "hidden dairy sensitives", which sounds almost sci-fi to me. Like in the future, there's going to be people in space, but not a lot of cows. And they're going to use "dairy sensitives" to psychically find them, so we can drink their milk and have strong bones and teeth. Cos we all know that space fucks up your bones something fierce.
Also, they say that there is a link between eating meat and the development of schizophrenia. They specifically say undercooked meat, but whatever.
If that was the case, I'm pretty sure that I would be masturbating in a pile of my own feces right now. My parents were firm believers in the four food groups when I was young(we didn't have no goddamn food pyramid!!), so I ate my fair share of undercooked meat. And while I may be a lot of things, I know that I'm not schizophrenic. This is just another instance of PETA trying to get their stupid agenda pushed forward. We get it, Ingrid. We get that you'd rather fuck an animal than a human. Which is good, cos god bless any human that fucks you. You're not attractive. At all.

Also, Breaking Bad, which is on AMC, is my new addictive show. Fuck you, Heroes. I'd rather see Malcolm's dad cook meth, clean up body goop, smoke pot, and choke a Hispandex dude with a bike lock than see Peter Petrelli mope around for 13 episodes.
Unless, you know, you're planning on coming back next week....in which case, I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean it.


Anonymous said...

Ever notice PETA only cares about the cute animals?

Anonymous said...

Ever notice PETA only cares about the cute animals?