
Try it one last time

Did the collective I.Q. of the nation fucking plummet when I wasn't paying attention?? I know that I'm not obligated to watch the country's intelligence or anything, but when I turn on the news and am confronted by two separate videos of two separate groups of people doing two sets of incredibly stupid things, I have to wonder to myself if I somehow went wrong somewhere. Did I not drive drunk the right time and not hit some retard kid that was going to have more retard children?
I can't help but take it personally. I know, I know, that I had nothing to do with it, but yet I somehow feel responsible.

What I'm talking about is the dude that videotaped himself getting a two year old high. In night vision, no less. That means he didn't want anyone else to see him doing this, yet he filmed the fucking thing in night vision so he himself could watch it later. And I think there was a chick involved, too.
The second thing is the group of teenage girls that film themselves beating the living shit out of another girl. It's in some nice ass living room that you'd see in a sitcom, too. Like 'Growing Pains'. Can you imagine Tina Yothers and all her little friends beating the holy hell out of some little girl, cursing and shit? No.

While both these things are incredibly dumb in and of themselves, what makes it even more retarded is that they both decided to film it. Generally, when you're engaging in criminal behavior, you don't want any more evidence than possible. If someone else seeing your act is a bad thing, fucking filming it is like, the worst thing you can do. I mean, you can say someone else is lying. You can't explain away film. You just can't. Maybe if you were being sued by George Lucas or Michael Bay, you could get away with the film is lying.
What I'm really guessing is that these people just didn't know. They didn't know that you can't give pot to a two year old and not expect to have people find out. Back in the day if you did that, you had to hope that no one found out for at least a month or so, then you were probably going to be safe. If you and your crazy bitch friends beat the hell out of some other girl, you would have probably gotten away with that, especially if that shit was the 60's. I read 'The Outsiders' the other day, and you could more or less get away with murder if you were a teenager.
But, I'm off-track. Anyway, I came up with a very simple form to help you know when to and when not to film shit.

1. Are you engaging in a criminal act?
If no, film.
If yes, see question 2.

2. Is this something that people need to see, or will it be just as funny if you only tell them
about it?
If yes they need to fucking see this, see question 3.
If no, do not film. Really re-think this, too.

3. Are you going to be putting this on YouTube?
If no, go read "If no," for question 2 again. Do not come back.
If yes, are you serious? And go to question 4.

4. Is there a sub-minor involved?
There is no "If yes" for this. You are a hillbilly and you need to give me the camera.

I'm not saying that you should stop doing dumb shit, or that I myself have never done anything dumb. I've done a lot of dumb shit. Hell, I've done some shit that I'm surprised at this age how I even got out of it alive. But I never filmed most of it. The shit that did end up on film is in the hands of my grandmother, and I'm pretty sure she's going to take it to the grave with her. I think it's some sort of insurance.
I wish I had some sort of point, but I guess if I do have one, it's this: we're all fucking dumb. And we are just not ready for shit like video cameras and the internet. If we were, you wouldn't be hearing about shit like this as much as you do. I'm sure people got their kids high in the 70's and 80's. But you didn't really hear about it, cos no one was filming it. I know kids were beating up each other gang style, but you didn't really hear about it unless it happened in your school.
Whatever happened to just telling people about shit?

And if this entry sucks, it's cos I'm high. I'm sorry.

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