
This is the reason it's still illegal

So apparently regular glass bongs are just played out, now. I guess that the simple thrill of getting high has become so blah that we're not seeking new ways to "up the thrill factor" that we've resorted to fucking smoking weed out of a dude's head.
I'm not fucking kidding. Read the link. It's all right there.
This is the shit that keeps them from legalizing pot. Right there. Every time the government gets together, and they're all, "That Woody Harrelson doesn't seem dangerous. He was Woody on 'Cheers', for fuck's sake!"
And then they'd all murmur to themselves approvingly, about how maybe weed isn't all that bad, and we're not all a bunch of red-ringed eye sporting psychopaths, and that we're not all doing cocaine and heroin within twenty minutes of a first joint, and they're this close saying it's okay, when some dude busts in the room with a newspaper from Texas. And goddamned if doesn't have something on the front page about a bunch of savages smoking weed out of a fucking corpse head they dug up and then decapitated, and that just ruins everything. Next thing you know, they're thinking of pot enthusiasts as being on the same level as, say Hitler or the gays.

Goddammit, it's always like this. We're getting close to it being decriminalized, which is a pretty good step in the right direction. Pot is no different than booze, for example. You have people that can't handle that shit, so when they drink it they get into car wrecks, beat up their wife/children/other family member/any random person available, and just generally make assholes out of themselves, and yet booze is still legal. Hmm. I don't know about you, but if I smoke pot, I'm not going anywhere unless I absolutely have to. Or if I'm playing Grand Theft Auto IV, and I don't actually have to move anything other than a thumb to travel.
I'm not saying all drugs should be legal, good lord no. Cocaine is a not good drug. Nothing positive ever comes out of that shit, except for maybe a really clean house. Meth, well, I guess if you're weight conscious, you're going to be feeling really happy in about a month. I know that I think teeth are seriously played out, too.

And why does it always have to be Texas? Seriously now, what the fuck?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who actually does the crap they think up when stoned? These guys. Highly motivated and intensely dumb.