
Things I am currently sick of

- The Bush Presidency: cos, c'mon, it's the most easy one I've got going here.
- The constant strip mining of our childhood in the sake of nostalgia: cos that's what nostalgia means, it means you're paying for shitty things in your childhood. You remember them at such a high point that you fail to realize you were six when you originally thought such things were so kick ass.
- Paris Hilton: I wouldn't do her, neither would you. Unless, of course, you were so desperate you'd fuck a hole in the ground. A hole in the ground lubed up and wrapped with barbwire.
- The PS3 "potential": when I was younger, 90% of time I had "not living up to potential" checkmarked somewhere in my report card. I never quite understood that. How was some kindergarten teacher able to predict my future performance?? With that said, please explain to me why I should pay $399(minimum) for a system that won't reach its' potential for another year or so? The 360 is about half way now, and I still wouldn't pay that much for it. I got it as a gift.
- The console war as a whole: competition is good, you fuckholes. Why would you want less systems in the market. That's what Sony wants. And judging from their past performance, they don't know what the fuck is going on, they just get lucky. See: Walkman, Discman, CD format.
- Moonbases: where the fuck are they??? I mean, what the fuck, guys?!? We went there in 19-goddamn-69. I'm no math major, but that was about 38 years ago. Now we have cell phones so small we can lose them in the change pocket of our jeans, but we don't have inflatable moon bases? Something is very, very, very wrong here.
- Drug laws: Stop kidding yourself. Just cos you are a United States Senator doesn't mean you can go to six different doctors for a Vicodin scrip. C'mon now. Rich doesn't mean above. And yeah, Vike's aren't grown by a bunch of hippies, but I guess if weed gave you a mil plus, you'd be a little more sympathetic.
- Blog posts that are fueled liquor/marijuana: You'd think I'd be over this by now. I mean, for fuck's sake, I'm 28 years old. This is junior high shit.

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