
Boo-yah shakka!

I was about to say how I spelled that wrong, but last I checked there’s no proper way to spell it.  So eat it.
So we all know, the proper set up for this is font Times, size 10.  For further reference.  So I know how to format this bitch.

So yes, it’s been some month and some dates since I last did something, and I was all, “Meeeeeaaah, got Windows Live and I can just load a program and blog from that, so I’ll do it a whole bunch now!!!  Yeah, and you can all come on and revel in the endlessly cynical racist bullshit that comes out of my brain!!!”
And to you, the reader, all I can say is:  my bad.  Seriously.  My.  Bad. 

I think the problem is that my blog output increases the more dissatisfied and unhappy I am with my life.  And to be honest with you, despite all the lame shit that is going on right now, or all the awesome shit that isn’t happening right now, the honest truth is that I’m pretty goddamn happy with my life.  I’m in a really good place right now, a place that five years ago I wouldn’t have seen myself in due to my own general emotional retardation.  And this weird self-destructive component that seems to be part of every American male, be it dormant or dominant. 
So while there is still plenty of fucked up filth on the internet for me to comment and make fun of, the problem is that I can’t really look at it, cos my kid is around.  And no one wants to be the guy that is doing blog research about “fisting” while his kid hugs his leg.  And if there is someone that’s totally cool with that, I’m not.  So I guess until I get a job that gives me unfettered ‘Net access, this is what you’re going to get for awhile.  Suck it down!

Things that I am currently digging want to talk about how much I love:
1.  Netflix over XBox Live- This shit is so fucking sweet.  I’ve just been slurping down ‘Heroes’ S. 1 like it’s going out of style, and I’m so jazzed for that.  It’s DVD quality, it’s right there, and you can get as much of it as you can stomach.  Which, if you’re me, is a whole fucking bunch.  I mean, we’re talking hours.  What?  Mother-in-Law is here, and she is going crazy about that baby.  I seriously almost feel bad if I get in that babies way.  And Anna, since you are going to read this, it is not a joke.  No sarcasm involved.  I don’t even want to touch that baby in front of your mother, for fear that I am depriving her of a chance to hold her.
How any of this has to deal with Netflix is beyond me.  But I digress.
It’s great, you can watch a bunch of movies through your XBox on a TV as opposed to a 15” laptop screen.  It’s great. 

2.  My Bloody Valentine’s ‘Feed Me With Your Kiss’. 

3.  Star Trek- Not “Star Trek” as a whole, but the most recent movie.  Don’t get me wrong, Star Trek is fucking awesome, save ‘Insurrection’ and the first two seasons of ‘Enterprise’.  But overall, come on.  Realistic(sort of) space travel???  Awesome.  And yeah, I’m totally pumped about the new Star Trek MMO.  But the most recent movie???  Nailed it.  Seriously.  Did everyone do all the same goofy shit as the ‘60’s?  No.  But that’s now what Star Trek is.  Star Trek is exciting shit happening, nailing bitches, and blowing shit up.  So it’s like, 1/3 of the Navy today.  For most people.  Which makes sense, cos they follow the whole Navy system of doing shit(rank, bunking, amount of decent bitches).  But yeah, awesome.
And for all those douchers saying, “Eeeeah, the Enterprise looks like the Apple Store!!”  FUCK YOU.  It’s the fucking future, dick breath.  What’s it going to look like, Sharper Image???  Fuck you!  The future is shiny, it is clean lines, and it is white backgrounds under an inch or two of lucite. 
And Apple is the fucking future, dickwad.  iPod, iPhone, iMac…eNterprise?? 

4.  Fallout 3.  Until I beat it.  In like, 30-something hours.  Never used a mini-nuke.  Trying to find a reason to re-play it.

5.  Zombies.  Because they’re dead, and yet they hunger for human flesh.  And it’s the closest I’ll ever come to being able to murder hundreds upon thousands of people.  With a fucking chainsaw.


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