
Got genocide?

Two(2) things:

1. I was in the supermarket tonight, buying Banana a chocolate bar. Whilst waiting in line, I saw myself a book with the Virgin Mary holding little 9lb. 8oz baby Jesus in her arms. The title of said book?? 'There Was No Snow on Christmas Eve'.
Goddammit, I mean, what the fuck? I'm sick of these fucking Christians getting all pissed off and trying to take back their holiday. They should just give up and realize that Christmas is all about one thing: cash. It's about buying shit, a lot of shit, and then spending the rest of the next year paying off the bills. It hasn't been about Jesus and all that lame shit since people started getting presents on Christmas. As soon as the gift thing came into the equation, Jesus was totally gone.

2. While in the same supermarket, some chick had a hoodie on that said 'save darfur' on the front of it. And I felt incredibly angry about it. Not cos I'm all for genocide and whatever awful shit is going on there, but that people are so self-absorbed that they think their purchase of some $40 hoodie, or sticking some stupid sign in their front yard is going to save a life half-way across the world. Do you honestly think those machete-wielding maniacs are going to stop hacking off the breasts and limbs of someone and say, "Hey click-click-buuuuuur, some 20-something bank teller bought a sweatshirt and stuck a sign in her front yard. It said, "Save Darfur". And it got me thinking. Maybe...just maybe we shouldn't murder and rape this 14 year old girl. Maybe...just maybe it's wrong."
Wrong answer.
Most of this shit, from what I've read, is due to tribal tensions. Do you know what that means? It's the fucking Hatfields and McCoy's. These people don't know why they hate each other, they always have. To them, the reason is irrelevant. It's always been that way, so they just go with it.
Furthermore, purchasing a sweatshirt will most likely not do anything, other than make someone with a sweatshirt factory rich.

Ugh. I hate when people do this to me. I hate when they make me get all serious and angry.

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