
Bastards of Peace!

So the second love of my life(behind Banana and before the dog), our 2001 Volkswagen Jetta has decided that it will not work when required to do so. Doom on you, Jetta. Well, not really. Don't take that shit personally, baby. I don't mean it. Really. I only mean it part of the way.
Anyway, there's nothing more frustrating than getting in your car to go buy groceries and an external hard drive to find out that the money you were going to throw at a hard drive must now be used to fix your car.
These things happen, I suppose. I guess it's good that it happened while at home instead of at a store somewhere. That shit is the worst. There's nothing worse than coming out of the supermarket with a shit-ton of liquor and condoms(edit: not in Mass, you ain't coming out of no store like that), only to find that your vehicle will not work as ordered.

TRUE STORY: Once when I did not have a car, I had to take a cab in-town to Shaw's to buy some beer and rubbers. When the cab driver saw what I had, he asked me: "Big plans for tonight??" My response? "Yeah. Just cos they're kids don't mean they ain't got the same right to safe sex as you and I." I was attempting to imply that I was buying booze and rubbers for kids, but I guess he thought that I was going to liquor up some children, then fuck them. He said nothing to me the rest of the ride home, and I'm pretty sure he probably thought of calling the police. I lost a little bit of faith in humanity when no police showed up at my door.

So the car is going to be getting fixed today, and I hope that I'm not going to get ass-raped by the cost. I'm not going to a VW dealer for this very same reason. Just cos you have a fancy jumpsuit with your Euro-centric sounding name(Hans...I verk in auto repair) doesn't mean you get to charge me $70 an hour for labor.
I found me a certified dude online, works on Audi's, VW's, Beamers, Mercedes, and Porsche. Yeah, that Porsche. I figure if they're working on Porsches, they're less likely to put your vehicle back together with bailing wire, duct tape, and twist-ties. It's an engine mount on a $70,000 automobile, you can't use superglue on that.
Plus they had some good reviews, too. People said they take care of that shit. And I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.

That's all I got for right now. I'm sure as the day goes on, and my coffee intake increases, I'll find something else to get all surly about. Just to make sure, I'm going to brew another pot and go to Drudge Report. That guy always has something.
I also have some horrifically violent mysogistic movies to watch, too. That should be good for a laugh.

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