
Been sitting on this for awhile...

I've been a big MST3K fan since about '94 or so, and as a result I'm a sucker for shitty movies, but they have to be above and beyond sort of shitty, not 'Pearl Harbor' or 'End of Days' shitty. You know what I'm talking about here. Think 'Killdozer' or 'Freejack' and you're sort of heading in the right direction.
NOTE: I know that 'Freejack' should get a pass due to the involvement of Mick Jagger. No dice. That movie really eats it, hard.
So yeah, I love shitty movies, but only if they're trying really hard. Combine that with the inability to stop reading a book, regardless of how bad it is, and you have a person that tends to consume a lot of bad media. Oops.
But this is a good thing- for you...maybe. See, I've got a couple of candidates for a what I'd like to call a "Good Review for Shitty Media". Movies, games, TV, radio, music, books, and magazines. I'll leaf through them half-assedly, most of the reading will be done on the toilet, and when I'm done I'll tell you why it's shit, but why it's so goddamn hilarious at the same time. Like the sodomy scene in "Roadhouse"(also a shoe-in).

Right now, I've got two really obvious candidates: 'Brotherhood of Death'; Black people that are obviously too old join the Army and go to 'Nam(which looks suspiciously not like 'Nam), then come back to their old stomping grounds in the south and fight the Klan. And this shit magazine/book 'Jetstream'; Quebec and Europe invade the U.S. And the National Guard fights back. That's actually complicating the book a lot.

Any suggestions are welcome. I promise I'll definately give it a look. And as per usual, there's no real schedule for this. Usually whenever I get really high and have a lot of time on my hands that isn't occupied by my penis.

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