
Never listen to the Blacklight Cobra

I'm going through some sort of withdrawal to console gaming, as I purchased a Gamecube today, a refurbished model that only set me back about $40. I've always had a little soft spot in my heart for the 'Cube, mostly cos of Viewtiful Joe, Resident Evil 4, Ikaruga, and a few other little weird quirky titles that didn't really show up anywhere else. I was sort of looking for a GBA, but those fuckers run $59.99 used. Fuck that. I saw that 'Cube at the magic price point, and viola, the decision was made.
With it came Paper Mario, as fun an RPG there ever was made. I mean, dude, you get to smash Koopa Koops in the fucking balls with a hammer. How awesome is that?
I wanted to get Ikaruga, but they wanted $40 for it. Fuck that, bro. That shit is coming out on XBLA in like, a month or so. I'll grab it for less cash and with better graphics to boot. I wonder, though, will it still support putting your TV on end in order to make the playing field longer????

I know I said I'd blog more than I did at the other blog, and I want to, it's just that there's a lot of shit that's going on that's keeping me away from the computer these days. Why I'm sitting here at this ungodly hour writing this is beyond me.
Oh yeah, waiting for the Tylenol PM to kick in, and covering it with beer. That's it...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.