
Fucking wow.

Anne Coultier, everyone's favorite dog-faced conservative blowhole has said something totally awesome again.
Basically, she has said that Jews are "imperfect Christians".
Seriously. You can read the whole conversation that she had on some show on Fox News here. And you should go check it out. While you do that, I'm going to go look for pictures of drunk chicks.

Done? You pissed? Good, you should be. Cos the shit that comes out of this woman's mouth every time she opens it is simply mind-blowing. I mean it. She's like the verbal equivalent of a .45 slug to the dome. I'm surprised that there is brain matter and skull chunks all over the back of my wall after reading that. What kills me is that she doesn't see it as anti-semitic. I guess if the Bible said that all black people liked fried chicken, grape soda, and dancing, that wouldn't be racist. Or if the Bible says that all gay men are effeminate fabulous fuck machines, it wouldn't be bigoted. Whatever the Bible says cannot be seen in any hateful light, cos the Bible is all about love.
Except for the parts when god is telling people to kill their first borne son, just to see if he really believes. Personally, I think that's a little fucked up, but that's not what we're here to rap about.
I really think it's great that all these Conservatives rail against how racist and evil the Liberals are, and then they say shit like this. At some point, I am just going to move to another country, like Germany, where they don't pretend that they aren't racist. They let you know outright, "Yeah, we fucking hate the Turks. They're filthy and they're taking all our shit jobs." I think that if you hate someone cos of the imaginary friend they swear allegiance to, or the color of their skin, then you should at least be man enough(that goes for you too, Anne, you dog-faced bitch) to back it up. Don't hide behind a book that was written 2,000 years ago by a bunch of semi-literate cave dwellers.

Jesus Christ, I fucking swear that one I'm old enough, I'm going to run for President and then I'm going to win. And I'm going to detonate every nuke on this goddamn planet to end this once and for all. People say that, "...we can change, we can make things different. All we have to do is stand up and blah blah blah blah". Bullshit. Bull-fucking-shit. We're all a bunch of pricks, and there's probably five good people in this whole bastard planet, and I'm willing to bet that three of them are cartoon characters and the other two are retarded. That Corky guy, I'm willing to be that he's awright. But I'm probably wrong about that. He's probably got a taste for hookers and degrading sex. And I bet he does enough cocaine to put down a goddamn whale. But that's just me, and I'm probably wrong.


Anonymous said...

nail on the head.

but Jews aren't imperfect because they're not Christian.
they're just imperfect.

Kiko San said...

I don't think all people are like this. It takes a special kind oh assholestery (huh?) to say something like this. Or to be such an attention hungry piece of crap.