
Nerd alert!

Yeah, I am a giant nerd. Whatev. I spent most of last night drinking and reading Ultimate X-Men, cos a) I really fucking like the Ultimate Marvel line. It's all the kick-assery of comics without 40 years of continuity("Umm...but wasn't Wolverine in Weapon X in the 70's?? Or was it right after WWII??? I'm confused....and why is Spider-Man so weepy about fucking Uncle Ben?!? He can go to the store and get some goddamned more!!"), and they've gone ahead and gotten ride of some of the more retarded aspects of comics. Don't get me wrong, I like a good space opera as much as the next guy, but seriously Chris Claremont, I think you've fucking lost it, bro. This ain't the 80's anymore, and the kids are a little more hep to gayness. Oh yeah, b) I really like X-Men. I'm sorry. They were the first comic that I ever ended up buying, and it was primarily cos this chick I met when I moved to Augsburg, her family had a fucking stack of X-Men comics in the bathroom. I used to pretend to have to take a dump so I could go in there and read comics.
And cut me some slack, I was like, 11. Hormones had yet to take over my brain, so comics were way more important than girls at that point. But I do remember going over there one time to take her her homework(as she was sick), and she did have a t-shirt on with no bra. Ahhh, the first time you ever see pokies....

I'm sure that Anna is all pleased about that, so I'm just going to continue on about what a huge dork I am, reading comics on my computer and drinking 40's. Yeah, who's the man? Obviously not me.

Mark it here, so I can't back down: within three mos. I am going to begin filming, that means actually holding a camera and pretending in front of it, a television pilot that I hope I can get some stupid television exec to give me money to make more of. I'm hoping that it's going to be funny, but then again my sense of humor is skewed and warped. Big time. Someone mentioned putting it on YouTube when it's finished(or is it Youtube??? I don't know, I'm not very hip these days...), but I want to make cash with this. I'm thinking maybe some clips, but not the whole shebang. You want that shit, you're going to have to get cable, cos that's where I want to end up. Cable is like the ghetto of the television system. Seriously. It's where the stuff that's either not good enough or just way too goddamn edgy for broadcast networks goes. The reason I'm shooting for cable is twofold: 1. They're way more lax about what goes on, cos they're basically just looking for programming so they don't have to air 'Seinfeld' or 'Friends' for six hours every day. 2. I really want to say things like "shit", "dickhead", and "asshole" on my television show. I have a dirty filthy mouth and I want all of America to know it. My mother is going to be so proud.
"My son has a television show on some backwater cable channel. It's great."
"What channel?"
I can picture that conversation now. Her going to the church that she goes to, telling everyone that her son is now a somewhat big deal(a medium deal?? an average deal?????) with his silly little television show, and then refusing to tell people what channel it's on, all because I called Ryan an asshole or a dickfore. My mom is great like that.

But yeah, the show is being written now, and when the current draft is done, we're going to act the whole thing out, see how it rolls. Then we re-write the draft, act that out, and then maybe go for a third one. I don't know, I've never really done anything like this before, and I don't have any training on how to do it, either. I'm just writing what I think is funny and going from there. So hell, maybe if this works out I'm going to be on Jimmy Kimmel or some shit explaining why I think pooping in the trunk of a car is hilarious.

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